pyignite.api.binary module

pyignite.api.binary.get_binary_type(connection: Connection, binary_type: Union[str, int], query_id=None) → pyignite.api.result.APIResult

Gets the binary type information by type ID.

  • connection – connection to Ignite server,
  • binary_type – binary type name or ID,
  • query_id – (optional) a value generated by client and returned as-is in response.query_id. When the parameter is omitted, a random value is generated,

API result data object.

pyignite.api.binary.put_binary_type(connection: Connection, type_name: str, affinity_key_field: str = None, is_enum=False, schema: dict = None, query_id=None) → pyignite.api.result.APIResult

Registers binary type information in cluster.

  • connection – connection to Ignite server,
  • type_name – name of the data type being registered,
  • affinity_key_field – (optional) name of the affinity key field,
  • is_enum – (optional) register enum if True, binary object otherwise. Defaults to False,
  • schema – (optional) when register enum, pass a dict of enumerated parameter names as keys and an integers as values. When register binary type, pass a dict of field names: field types. Binary type with no fields is OK,
  • query_id – (optional) a value generated by client and returned as-is in response.query_id. When the parameter is omitted, a random value is generated,

API result data object.