pyignite.datatypes.internal module

class pyignite.datatypes.internal.AnyDataArray(counter_type=<class 'ctypes.c_int'>)

Bases: pyignite.datatypes.internal.AnyDataObject

Sequence of AnyDataObjects, payload-only.

__init__(counter_type=<class 'ctypes.c_int'>) → None

Method generated by attrs for class AnyDataArray.

from_python(stream, value)
from_python_async(stream, value)
classmethod to_python(ctypes_object, *args, **kwargs)
classmethod to_python_async(ctypes_object, *args, **kwargs)
class pyignite.datatypes.internal.AnyDataObject

Bases: object

Not an actual Ignite type, but contains a guesswork on serializing Python data or parsing an unknown Ignite data object.

classmethod from_python(stream, value)
classmethod from_python_async(stream, value)
static get_subtype(iterable, allow_none=False)
classmethod map_python_type(value)
classmethod parse(stream)
classmethod parse_async(stream)
classmethod to_python(ctypes_object, *args, **kwargs)
classmethod to_python_async(ctypes_object, *args, **kwargs)
class pyignite.datatypes.internal.Struct(fields: list, dict_type=<class 'collections.OrderedDict'>, defaults: dict = {})

Bases: object

Sequence of fields, including variable-sized and nested.

__init__(fields: list, dict_type=<class 'collections.OrderedDict'>, defaults: dict = {}) → None

Method generated by attrs for class Struct.

static build_c_type(fields)
from_python(stream, value)
from_python_async(stream, value)
to_python(ctypes_object, *args, **kwargs) → Union[dict, collections.OrderedDict]
to_python_async(ctypes_object, *args, **kwargs) → Union[dict, collections.OrderedDict]
class pyignite.datatypes.internal.StructArray(following: list = NOTHING, counter_type=<class 'ctypes.c_int'>, defaults: dict = {})

Bases: object

counter_type counter, followed by count*following structure.

__init__(following: list = NOTHING, counter_type=<class 'ctypes.c_int'>, defaults: dict = {}) → None

Method generated by attrs for class StructArray.

static build_c_type(fields)
from_python(stream, value)
from_python_async(stream, value)
to_python(ctypes_object, *args, **kwargs)
to_python_async(ctypes_object, *args, **kwargs)
pyignite.datatypes.internal.tc_map(key: bytes)

Returns a default parser/generator class for the given type code.

This mapping is used internally inside listed complex parser/generator classes, so it has to be a function. Local imports are used for the same reason.

  • key – Ignite type code,
  • _memo_map – do not use this parameter, it is for memoization of the “type code-type class” mapping,

parser/generator class for the type code.

pyignite.datatypes.internal.infer_from_python(stream, value: Any)

Convert pythonic value to ctypes buffer, type hint-aware.

Parameters:value – pythonic value or (value, type_hint) tuple,
pyignite.datatypes.internal.infer_from_python_async(stream, value: Any)

Async version of infer_from_python